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SU "Vladimir Komarov" from Veliko Tarnovo, BULGARIA


Our school:  Vladimir Komarov Secondary School (Средно училище “Владимир Комаров“) is situated in 9 Byala Bona Street, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria (град Велико Търново, ул.„Бяла Бона“№9)

The school is situated on the outskirts of Veliko Turnovo, in a neighborhood named Cholakovtsi.

The ethnical composition - different ethnic groups (Bulgarian, Turkish, Roma) and different religions (Christianity and Islam). The biggest part of students belong to Bulgarian ethnic group.

The social composition of the community - they live in working class families mostly and belong to different ethnic groups. Due to the relatively high unemployment, some of parents live and work abroad and thus of our students live with their grandparents. 

The school has 12 classrooms;

• 2 rooms for teaching foreign languages (English, German and Russian)

• 1 room for teaching Biology

• 1 room for teaching Geography

• 2 gyms for Physical education lessons

• 1 eco hall

• 2 computer rooms

• 1 room for Art lessons

• 1 room for Music lessons

• 1 especially designed room for the pupils from the 1st to the 4th grade to have Activities of interest

Our computer rooms are equipped with computers that are sufficient for any students in classes. We have an interactive white board in one of our computer rooms. Our eco hall is equipped with a laptop and multimedia projector. We have a TV with DVD player and a computer in the room for Activities of interest.


We have 207 students in the school. They learn in twelve classes, in three age groups:

- primary: 6 – 11 years old (1st - 4th  grade)

- junior secondary: 11 -15 years old (5th  - 8th  grade)

- secondary: 15-19 years old (9th - 12th  grade).

In our school there are no problems of juvenile violence or dropout students. We have a percentage of students with problems 5,31%.

We have 11 students with disabilities ( Аutism, Мild mental retardation, Мoderate mental retardation, Сerebral palsy, Crouzon syndrome, Sindactilia).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication. Here I would add: "Cultural Mapping of Europe blog"] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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