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The school CEIP Mestre Pere Garau (Infant and Primary School) is situated in the municipality of Manacor, in the South East of Mallorca, Spain.

The social ethnical composition of the community is divided into different nationalities:

-People who live in Son Macià, that is a rural village. Most of the population that live there come from Mallorca, but there are also people from Morocco or European countries (like Germany or England).

-People who live in Calas de Mallorca. It is a touristic town which was born in the ’60s with the demand of the tourism boom in Spain. It is situated in the east of the island, and surrounded by a rural area and the Mediterranean Sea. The small town is defined by the variety of buildings, in which you can see the hotels. There are also many apartments, villas and bungalows where the locals live.

-The population who live in Calas de Mallorca are people from the Mainland of Spain who speak Spanish.

-People who live in Manacor or other towns from the same municipality come from different nationalities: India, Morroco, etc.  

A new school is being built. for this reason we are currently situated in another building (in a High School).Now the school has 9 classrooms with video camera, video-projector, computers and white smartboards.


Mestre Pere Garau is a state-funded school which provide education to pupils between the ages of 3 - 12 years old. We have a total of 136 students.

The official language in the school is Catalan.

The social – ethnical composition of the pupils. Students come from:


-The Mainland (they don’t know Catalan which is the official language of the school).



-Western European countries

-South America

We don’t have problems of juvenile violence because we speak with the families and then in all cases we find together the best solution to the problem.

In our country it is compulsory to go to school until 16 years old. For this reason in primary school we don’t have dropout.

We have 18% of pupils with disabilities (visual problems, hearing impairments and mental impairments).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication. Here I would add: "Cultural Mapping of Europe blog"] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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